Announcing the 2nd PerioLink Award winner

December 14, 2021

The 2nd Edition of the Perio Link Award has selected the paper “The role of dental insurance in mitigating mortality among working-age U.S. adults with periodontitis” by Dr Sadiq et al, after being the most voted video by the community.

The Perio Link Award is an award sponsored by the Sunstar Foundation which aims to bring science closer to the general public by asking researchers to submit a one-minute video summarising their findings on a paper published recently. The goal is to raise awareness about the link between oral health and general health, and encourage scientists to share the latest findings beyond scientific community.

The findings of the awarded research focus on the implications dental insurance might have in mitigating the mortality risk associated with periodontal disease. According to Dr Sadiq: “Oral health is the most neglected part of the human body. Most people compromise on it and could never imagine how oral health would impact their general health. In the past, research was focused on how oral diseases affected the general and systemic health. Now there is a need to focus on how preventing an oral disease may translate into a healthy and long life. More specifically, access to dental health services may help populations to obtain both preventive and curative treatments for oro-dental diseases to nip the evil in the bud.”

The assumption Dr Sadiq’s team made – and was later confirmed by the study – is that dental insurance might be instrumental in granting access to dental care and therefore reducing the associated all-cause mortality risk in adults with periodontitis. Watch the one-minute video winner here.

The first-place recipient of the Sunstar Perio Link Award will receive one round trip airfare, hotel accommodation and congress registration for the EuroPerio10 congress, taking place on 15-18 June 2022 in Copenhagen, Denmark, a monetary recognition of 1,000 EUR and the commemorative trophy which will be given at the Award Ceremony in June 2022 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Besides the Perio Link Award, the Sunstar Foundation is proud of several other awards which contribute to raise awareness of the importance of oral health and its relationship with systemic diseases worldwide. To mention a few, the Sunstar World Dental Hygienist Award, which celebrates dental hygienists around the world, and the World Perio Research Award dedicated to promoting research about the connection between Periodontal Disease and Systemic Diseases.

Watch the video heres: